Sonic gets aids.exe

I was playing pron the video game and a cocaine addict brought me some pills to pop and then one was an old windows 98 floppy disk demon prototype and aletter from my dealer keel
"Dear buyer, our pills are not in stoke today because i got killed by a gay video game character"
I was on edge because my dealer would never write me aletter
So i played the game i spawned magicly and it had 3 save files, hitler,barney, and teilz, since im a total smexy sanic fanfiction writer, i chose hitler because im stupid, hitler looked like he was scared, he cried because hes a big freakin wuss,i felt bad for him because i didnt get my overdose of antidepressants, thanks keel, then blud squirted from the trees eyes and i had a heart attack ,   then senic appered and sed "ur slow, u suck n00b" and i played as barney and instantley i died, like in my gayfictions.  Then i played as that smexy beast teilz, he then found senic, he sed "we both got buckets of chicken, wanna do it?" (Get the reference?) Then for some other worldly force made senic said no, i dont understand, my fanfictions AREN'T BECOMEING REAL???, i took a nap later, because i knew i was dreaming, in my dream i saw senic, he said "u suck, ur gunna die jus lik keel did lol" then he chopped my head off, i woke up and threw a Molotov Cocktail at my computer and i died,
So then senic appered and i performed aerobics and then senic died. 
(Plus i completed to write a trollpasta on a kindle fire with autocorrect)